Sunday, March 10, 2024

13 Years..

 On March, 11th 2011 I decided to open up this blog as sole purpose of documenting my work, time really flies and with other social medias like FB, IG and YouTube, blogging kinda took a step back for me.
Happy Anniversary never the less 😃💥

Sunday, February 18, 2024

New year.. Core Gundam done..

 Wow, totally forgot to post here especially for the new years and more specially about my Core Gundam build which got done last month, sorry 😔
Anyways, I hope whoever sees this have a belated new year and enjoy the video for the VeeThree Gundam here which you can see the rest of the parts at the same channel.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Core Gundam..

 Greetings, my apologies for neglecting the blog for so long since I mostly post on the Facebook page and Instagram. 
Although it may not look but I have been working on other projects just never had the time to post it here as well. Will change that today lol, here is the link for the latest YouTube video of my recent project the Core Gundam VeeThree

Please do check out the video and subscribe while you're at it 😜

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

New Build!!!!

 What do you know, a finished build!!! my 1st one since 2020, wow!! lol 

Anyways, check out the YouTube video of it, share and subscribe while you're at it :D

Sunday, January 1, 2023


Greeting, It has been quite a while hasn't it, first of all, a very happy new year to whoever sees this post.
Wishing everyone one a safe and much more happier year than 2022.
As for the picture below, well.. soon you will find out what it is if you don't already know through my social media posts😎


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Annual post :)

 Hey hey👋, it's been exactly one year since my last post here and man does a year goes by fast nowadays. Wow😒
Anyways, finally the dust from buying a house and moving in it and all the headache and works that comes with is settling down a bit. With it I'm slowly getting back to my projects which next up is the Gundam Artifact Ex-S Gundam.
Got a bit more done on it which you can see on my Instagram and Facebook page. hopefully get this thing done before the year ends.🙏

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Still around..

 Greetings!! I know.. I know it is been a long while since my last post but..a lot of shit happened in real life both good and bad and usually life got the tendency to throw curve balls at ya.

Never the less, I'm still trying to mange as much work on the bench as possible in my new place which I'm slowly settling down in. Before I get back to the SD GM Sniper, thought I start a quick project and boy is it the most challenging lol, The Gundam Artifact tiny model kit which I chose the ExS Gundam.

So far I have done few mods which are a royal pain in the neck since the kit has almost zero room to work with, but that is where the fun comes in imo, hopefully I will create a wip video for it soon. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

10 years..

Although I missed it by one day but glad I finally remembered this important day in my hobby life😊10 years ago I started my 1st outlet on the social media via my blog to showcase my progress and steps in this hobby. 21k viewers later, we are here and I'm still learning 💪

Here is to another 10 years hopefully  🙏🥂

Slowly but surely..

 ..working on the SD GM Sniper still 😅, I've added few more photos of the recent IG and Facebook posts of the build to the page here. More detailing work is being done to the head now, as I'm done with the new eyes camera, a clear visor is next 💪😎 The detailed WIP steps will be in the next video.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Part due..

 Yo, been a minute 😁  since I'm making the wip process mainly for YouTube it will take longer to compile and edit them. Speaking of YouTube, part 2 of the SD GM Sniper wip video is up, check it out 👇

Thursday, January 21, 2021

More SD..

 Been working on the SD GM Sniper, at the same time I've decided to add the WIP photos for the current and future projects onto YouTube by creating more video for my channel there.

It will be more like an episodic vidoes where each part will be about a section of the build.

Monday, January 4, 2021

The Wing Zero video..

Had fun making the last video for the Wing Zero project, please do check it out and like and subscribe while you at it 😅


New Look..

 Heyo, thought it was time for a bit of a fresher look for the blog. I think the new arrangements of the tabs looks much better! 😎😍

Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Year.. Finished Zero!!

First of all Happy New year, wishing everyone for a much better and less stressful year in 2021!

after it being in a WIP status for 13 years, it finally got done at the very end of 2020!
There is so much to unload about this build and frankly I don't think there are many that care about the weight this had on my shoulder as a modeler.

It started back in mid 2007 in which I myself were hardly started the hobby as well. It started as an ambitious project to tryout new mods and the end goal of turning it close to an MG look as possible.

Along the line, life, procrastination, laziness, and other project got in the way of completing it in time. Now that I think of it, regardless of how most of the outdated mods I've done to it, it was better off being completed now with the bit more experience I have on my belt.

Again, regardless of the the not very satisfactory outcome this build turnout for me, it still provided me with many new avenues and routes to being better at the hobby.
At the end, I hope you guys enjoy the final pictures as much I have, thanks for supporting this build.

Now I can finally update the build Tabs on right of the page lol, also I did the rest of the wip and finished photos to the wing zero page, enjoy!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

A new SD FA video!..

Hello again, back with a bit of an update 😅
created a new video for the SD FA Gundam which I think it deserved it.
Take a look and enjoy it, also like and subscribe while you at it! 😁

Friday, September 25, 2020

First Wing Zero WIP video..

 Oh hey there, been a while I know. For whoever lurkes around this blog I give my thanks.
Back with a new update in the form of the 1st WIP video for my Wing Zero build.

Also, added more wip pictures to the wing zero page on the Right.

Oh by the way lol, started a new project which you probably know about it if you follow me on Facebook and Instagram. I will post it here as well once I get more work done into it.

Friday, May 29, 2020

New YouTube video..

Yo😀, back again with a new YouTube video, this time it is my old SD G3 build from 2010.
Although the mods by my today's standards are pretty low but for a 10 years old build it is still one of my favorite builds.

here is the link to the video:👇

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Back to Zero..

As the topic has stated I'm back working on the Wing Zero build, shooting for a finish this year, hopefully. I've updated it's page with a bunch of new WIP pictures, have a look.